Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26 - Humble Yourself

Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because 
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." 
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, 
that he may lift you up in due time.
1Peter 5:5, 6

Peter's words to us are two-fold. Humility comes in the form of respect for others as well as pride for what we own and our status in society. First, we all need to remember that everyone we meet has been placed there by God and has potential for teaching us something invaluable. Older people should not discount the younger generation and young people should not ignore the wisdom of their elders. Peter urges us to serve each other in a humble and non-conceited way. Be humble enough today and always to admit that you can learn from others. Second, do not worry about your status or position in society. Do not look to others for recognition of your achievements. God's recognition counts more than anything you could ever receive from someone here on earth. God will bless you according to His timing. You must always obey Him regardless of your present circumstances. One day, whether here on earth or in heaven, you will receive your honor.

Personally, for a long time I struggled with bragging to others about my children's achievements. I  would boast about this or that and then afterward feel awkward and silly for having just spewed forth information that wasn't important to anyone but myself. Parents gloat about their children from the day they are born. In reality I have found that this boastful attitude does nothing to help the dear friend we are speaking to. Often it leaves them feeling lowly, they wonder what is wrong with their child if theirs isn't doing what mine can. In the end I have found none of that matters. I am just as accomplished as a Mother whether I brag or not. I have now taken to keeping my children's accomplishments largely to myself, I will only share when asked. Then the conversation is mutual and I am not monopolizing the precious time I have with friends talking about my kid's abilities. Your own struggle with humility may be different, but in the end the emotion is the same. We will all have our honor in heaven!

For more on humility and imitating Christ's humility, study Philippians 2 1-11

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:3

Dear Father I come before you today meek and ashamed. O Lord please forgive me for my boastful nature. Please give me the wisdom and strength to humble my heart and hold my bragging words within today and always. Lord please forgive me for any ill or hurt feelings I have caused my dear friends with my boastful words. Today and always O Father, I will work to be more humble and Christ-like. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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