Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26 - We Are Set Free

When you came to Christ, you were "circumcised", 
but not by a physical procedure. 
Christ performed a spiritual circumcision - 
the cutting away of your sinful nature.
Colossians 2:11

Circumcision was an old testament command from God. It was the way Jews entered into an agreement of faith and salvation with God. Through Christ's birth and death we have been set free from the sacrament of circumcision. Christ's death set us free from a physical commitment for eternal life. Instead we are now committed to Christ through our hearts, not our body. We are free from our evil desires through Christ's spiritual operation rather then a physical procedure. Despite the fact that Christ has set us free from a physical commitment of salvation, the commitment in our hearts must be just as strong and steadfast as in the Old Testament. What you do with your freedom and commitment to God is your choice. We must always remember though that Christ gave everything for our sins and salvation. Without Christ, the freedom you experience now would not be possible. We must give thanks to Him always for all that He gave and continues to give to each of us everyday.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Your only son to live and die for my sins, salvation, and freedom. O Lord, please give me the strength and wisdom to live each day according to Your word. I pray that my freedom is pleasing to Your eyes. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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