Friday, April 9, 2010

April 9 - We are Declared Righteous

Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. 
He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty of our sins.
Romans 3:24

To be righteous is to be morally upright and without guilt or sin. When someone is found not guilty in a court of law the judge declares them righteous and clears their record. It is as if the person was never charged with anything. As Christians our judge is God. He sent His only son to die for our sins, thereby cleansing our record and declaring all who believe to be righteous. God forgives us of all of our sins and cleans our record. Jesus Christ bought our freed from sin, the price for our freedom was His life. Does this give us the freedom to do as we wish, live a sinful life, and only ask for forgiveness when we die? Of course not! Scripture clearly outlines moral codes that we as believers are to abide by. But, being righteous does allow us to continue walking in the way of the Lord despite our sinful nature. Does that thought humble anyone else? Or is it just me? It amazes me that God loves me so much that He sent His only son to pay the price for my sins so that I too have a chance to go to Heaven and sit at the feet of my Heavenly Father. The thought of that is beautiful beyond words. As Paul writes in Romans, the gift of righteousness is an undeserved act of kindness to a lowly sinner like me. But God loves us so much His son paid the penalty for our sins.

Dear Heavenly Father thank you so much for your undeserved and kind gift of righteousness. Please forgive me of my sins and strengthen me as I walk in the way of the Lord. May my choices and words be sweet to you. I may falter in my walk O Lord, but I know you are there to catch me and carry me when I need it. Thank you O Father for sending Your only son to die for my sins. The penalty of my sins has been paid in full. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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